Important to them are the rhythm and the music of the whole world. Born in Hanover in the partnership of two friends obsessed with the power of music – Ralf Droesemeyer and Mark "Foh" Wetzler, Mo" Horizons is a band that constantly has its eyes and ears open to music and looks forward as a leader in the lounge sound. They reach Bulgaria on their latest album – on And The Banana Soundsystem they offer us Koito Pie Bira (Those Who Drink Beer) featuring The Varna Bugaloo Crew. Mo" Horizons presented their music live in Bulgaria at the Sofia Live Club on 20 April. We are just two guys really living for the music and thinking very positive about the music, explains Ralf Droesemeyer the key to the success of the band in an interview by Svetoslav Nikolov.
You can listen to it here.