“It is up to us” is one of the messages of the song “Bledi sledi” (“Light Touch”) that Ruth Koleva wrote and sang for The Green Song of Bulgaria competition. This initiative of radio stations Jazz FM, N-Joy and Z-Rock, Operational Programme “Environment” and the Ministry of Environment and Water appeals for lessening our negative imprint on nature and taking care of our planet. “It takes so little to have a healthier and more responsible to nature lifestyle”, Ruth Koleva says in a Jazz FM interview. Separating waste, saying no to plastic bags, using energy-saving bulbs, walking or cycling instead of driving a car – these are elements of her daily life that are just a natural part of it, not special gestures. “We live as if we have limitless natural resources. Someone might take action when it is far too late. We shouldn"t reach that point. Responsible living must be a part of our beings if we really care about our children, about the next generations”, says Ruth Koleva in this
interview by Jazz FM"s Svetoslav Nikolov.