There is always something delightful and interesting happening around Yasmin Isinov. Well-known from his work with Mind Trips, Yasmin now combines his skills with Ognyan Gyrkov-QJ in Sound Solutions. Their debut song “World Reknown” also features the vocals of Claude J. Woods Jr. and the guitar of Ventsy Vellev – Vaicho.Chill out, funk, soul, dance – so many diverse influences and so much pleasure in one song! “World Reknown” provokes the dancer in the listener, is intelligent and fascinating. The debut song of the band reached its audience on Jazz FM for the first time. Its first ever playing was on the 12th of July 2010 at 7 a.m.
Yasmin Isinov and Ognyan Gyrkov tell Svetoslav Nikolov more about their band and debut single.